mosquito's web zone

08/10/22 midterm
I made this in 2 weeks
by justin • created on jul 27, 2022
Here's how this'll work.

The rabbit is named Mosquito. Mosquito is a web developer and this is 'Mosquito's Web Zone,' a website that he programmed. You're talking to him on his website. He'll say something in a post like the one you're reading this from; everything he says will be juxtaposed with a .gif of his face, indicating the tone of the scene.

Below is a list of links. These are potential responses to what Mosquito says; if you click one, it will lead down a distinct narrative branch. I'm planning to include 2-3 of these for every page.
08/09/22 (tue) • 11:50:39
I don't like the dancing baby.
08/10/22 (wed) • 12:48:52
Awesome! I don't care. You will learn to love him.

Programming this aspect of the website is not the only thing I've done. I also drew seven .gifs of Mosquito; animated linework adds a level of subtle expressiveness that basic static images can't. Here's all of them:

The 'home' and 'abt' links are empty; by the end of this week, I'll have pages attached to them. After that, I will be writing the story itself + drawing more art for the website. The difficult part is largely done with, and I'm confident that my final project will be great. Thank you for your patience.
08/10/22 (wed) • 01:55:03